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Multiple Income Sources

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Even in college one can create outside of school work and a job.

Besides working a part-time or some other job that requires one to be in one location for a set period of time.

College students can make money through tutoring (online), auctioning items on the internet, freelance writing, blood donation, plasma selling, selling tickets for sporting events and utilizing their talents in creative ways that might generate income.

At the very least, honing your skills will make one more marketable in the so-called "real world."

People often discourage others from innovating. But, in the past, particularly in the founding days of this American republic all people were encouraged to innovate.

Innovation is possible. All you have to do is invest in your idea and ignore the "haters" or "dream-killers."
We all have the ability to change the world, but we all have to overcome rejection, nay-sayers, and skeptics.

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