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Reforming Education

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Karpantschof became disenchanted with the school system in Scandivia and was actually bold enough to reform the very system that he in fact criticized.

Although many may feel a problem with the level of conformity that exists within schools, few people turn that disdain into substantive action.

Changing the world, even a small portion of it, requires a great deal of courage and ego.

Mr. Karpantschof is extraordinarily articulate, his quiet confidence and erudite vocabulary reinforces the widely held view that Reagan first promoted, "the best and brightest are not in politics."

Mr. Karpantschof possesses a strong and silent humility. It was refreshing to see that with all his success, the co-founder of Nexus Global Youth Summit remains very down-to-Earth.

Our political system encourages extroversion over introversion and tends to value irrational exuberance over genuine logic.

The talking points in this particular interview were more nuanced than anything I have heard as an undergrate at Carnegie Mellon University.

Whilst attending graduate seminars and lectures, which I rarely do, I tend to daydream and ask myself:

Is this really it?

Is this what I thought would make me a better, more capable person?

Attending a 'new-Ivy-League' university and listening to professors talk about social change instead of challenging all their students to go out and be the change they wish to see in the world?

Following the rules gets you high marks, while breaking them gets you ridiculed.

Schools discourage risk-taking and even the brightest among us are told to subdue our quirkiness and differences, delay our gratification, and hold out for that elusive dream of a "six-figure" salary, financial security, and a few letters after our name.

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