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Rapid Typing 4.3

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In the past year, I learned to type faster. I also learned how to use technology better and how to solve some of my own problems. By this time next year, I want to be operating a fully-functional start up with the help of a team.

I do not want to have to work when I am older, or to live beneath my means now so that one day I will be able to retire. The future belongs to those who look at the market and figure out a way to improve it.

Those that love complacency will never become wealthy. You have to be a change agent to really make an impact on the entire world.

Recently, I have been learning new information and this will positively affect my trend towards embracing new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking.

This laptop that I invested in a  year ago has served me well.

Of course, every now and then I stray from my purpose and waste my time reading other people's great works instead of creating my own, but I am only human and inspiration is hard to come by.
The main ways that I lose focus is by trying to do too much. Busy-ness and productivity are two very disparate things.

How do you manage your time?
I use RescueTime and TimeDoctor. Although I use the former more than the latter.

How do you mismanage you time? 
Sometimes I spend too much time checking email, deleting spam, and checking my social networking sites than actually working on an outstanding plan for the near future. There are other things that I do to waste time, but this blog is supposed to be family-friendly (so I will spare you the details).

What are your goals for the upcoming year?
To be more efficient and to actually stick to my to-do list. To forgive and forget those that have hurt me in the past.

What are your regrets from the past year?
Confiding in too many people. Insecurities stem from lack of belief in our own abilities and envy of others. In the new year, I need to stop over-thinking things and learn to embrace my reality and work on becoming truly confident before confiding in others.

Ask yourself some questions. Real questions. And, don't put fake answers, be honest in your personal assessment.

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